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Prioritizing Attention in Fast Data: Principles and Promise


While data volumes continue to rise, the capacity of human attention remains limited. As a result, users need analytics engines that can assist in prioritizing attention in this fast data that is too large for manual inspection. We present a set of design principles for the design of fast data analytics engines that leverage the relative scarcity of human attention and overabundance of data: return fewer results, prioritize iterative analysis, and filter fast to compute less. We report on our early experiences employing these principles in the design and deployment of MacroBase, an open source analysis engine for prioritizing attention in fast data. By combining streaming operators for feature transformation, classification, and data summarization, MacroBase provides users with interpretable explanations of key behaviors, acting as a search engine for fast data.


MacroBase is a new analytic monitoring engine designed to prioritize human attention in large-scale datasets and data streams.
Peter Bailis
Edward Gan
Kexin Rong
Sahaana Suri
8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR ’17)
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